Upon the temperature reaching 35°C a half-hourly reading may be obtained by checking Perth Bureau of Meteorology web site:
When the temperature hits 37.5°C all work shall cease, and workers are entitled to go home.
When the forecast is for extremes of heat for the next day or more, work should be planned in consultation with the workers’ Health and Safety Representative (HSR) & or the on-site OHS Committee so that work will not continue into extreme heat conditions, ie. concrete pours, jump forms, high risk crane lifts etc.
Work MUST be planned so that heavy or physical work is done in the cooler times of day or in shady areas.
Work on roof areas needs extra controls built in due to sun reflection and radiation from roofing materials such as steel and manmade plastics and fabrics.
Workers must be provided with adequate sunscreen, cool drinking water, shade brims, face skins and be tool-boxed in the hazards and controls for working in extreme heat conditions.
When it becomes evident that on-site conditions are subject to extremes of heat, on-site Union representative(s) shall bring the matter of concern to notice of on-site supervision. A conference between supervision and the employees’ representative(s) shall take place as soon as possible but in any event within 30 minutes of a request for the same.
In any case, upon being advised by the Perth Bureau of Meteorology, that the temperature is 37.5°C or more, all employees shall be allowed to cease work and go home.
When employees leave site in accordance with the above, the inclement weather provisions of the respective EBA or building industry awards shall prevail with respect to entitlements to payment.
Notwithstanding the above provisions, employees shall continue working in air-conditioned areas, provided that their amenities are also air-conditioned.
Where a concrete pour has been commenced prior to the commencement of a period of inclement weather, as defined above, employees may be required to complete such a pour to a practical stage and for such work shall be paid at a rate of double time for the remainder of the shift.
When employees leave site in accordance with the above, all work areas shall be left in a safe condition and all tools and work equipment cleaned up and put away.
Provided that the employer, their employees and the appropriate union(s) may agree to bring the normal starting time of the working day forward to 6.00am, such agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Authorised by Mick Buchan State Secretary CFMEU WA 80 Beaufort Street Perth

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