Member Benefits

Industrial representation and the negotiating power of Australia's strongest Union

The single biggest benefit of being in the Union is the combined strength and power of standing together with other worker to demand the wages, working conditions, and safety we deserve.

That power delivers better wages and conditions through Union negotiated agreements that consistently deliver more money into the pocket of workers. In Australia, Union members earn an average of $100 a week more than non-union members.

Ambulance Cover for your whole family

Ambulance services are not covered by Medicare and anyone who’s been caught out will tell you it’s a huge cost. It’s currently around $1000.

Your membership gives you automatic Ambulance cover for yourself, your partner and your dependent kids. You pay the first $50 then email the bill to and we'll cover the rest.


Get a Baseline Hearing Test at no cost to you

Construction workers are entitled to a baseline hearing test to establish your current hearing levels to provide a reference point should you ever need to make a claim for hearing loss.

CFMEU provide all eligible members with a baseline hearing test at no cost to you. So if you’ve never done a tests then contact the CFMEU WA Helpline on 9228 6900 to arrange one today.


The national super fund for your industry

Since 1984, we’ve been supporting our members and the industries you work in. As one of Australia’s leading industry super funds, our commitment is to ensure your hard work pays off in retirement to enjoy life after work.

If you have any questions, we can help. Call us on 1300 361 784 or visit

This information is about Cbus Super. It doesn’t account for your specific needs. Please consider your financial position, objectives and requirements before making financial decisions. Read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination to decide if Cbus Super is right for you. Call 1300 361 784 or visit

United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 as Trustee for the Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund ABN 75 493 363 262 (Cbus and/or Cbus Super).


Child Care Cover in case your family suffer a loss

Child care is critical. If you should suffer the loss of your partner then CFMEU WA cover your child care costs for up to 2 years while you and your family get back on your feet.

You’ll receive up to $13,000 each year for children under 5 and $5,200 a year for older children. Just call us on 9228 6900 if you need us.


Help when you need it most

CFMEU WA are proud supporters of MATES, who provide suicide awareness and prevention programs in the construction industry. If you need help and would like to speak to someone who understands the issues we face in our industry then you can call 24/7.

There's no shame in feeling overwhelmed. Reach out to MATES and to your union. We're here to help.

Call the MATES National Helpline on 1300 642 111.


CFMEU WA members get extra benefits with HBF

CFMEU WA Members get an 8% discount on Hospital and Extras cover when you choose your own level of hospital and/or extras cover with HBF, with two month waiting periods waived.

Call 133 423 with reference number 42019072 and quote your CFMEU WA Membership Number to apply.


Download the HBF Brochure here or visit their website here.


Free initial consultations with lawyers who understand our industry

Eureka Lawyers are dedicated to fighting for workers and their families. They're here to help you if you need them and they offer CFMEU WA Members an initial free appointment.

They also offer paid up Members a range of costs agreements including ‘No-Win, No-Fee’ agreements where that’s appropriate.

They can help with all legal issues including workers comp, personal injury, industrial diseases, family law, criminal law and motor vehicle accidents.

If you need legal help or advice then just call the CFMEU WA Helpline on 9228 6900 or email for a referral.


Funeral Cover for you, your partner and dependent children

Your CFMEU WA Membership automatically provides you with funeral cover of up to $10,000 for you and up to $7,500 for your partner and dependent children.

Our union proudly shoulders the financial burden when families are suffering and have more important things to focus on. Just call the office on 9228 6900 for more information.


Cover if you're injured going to or from work

All CFMEU WA Members are covered by our Journey Insurance that gives you and your family coverage if you’re in an accident travelling to or from work and need some time off to recover.

If you’re injured going directly to or from your place of work your wages are covered up to $1000 per week for 104 weeks. That’s 2 years of income protection that could save your mortgage and pay the bills. The policy also provides $100,000 death and permanent disability cover to help your family should the worst happen.

Just one more way your union has you and your family covered. Call the CFMEU WA Helpline on 9228 6900 and we'll be happy to help.


Free or massively discounted quality training at CSTC

CFMEU WA Members get 20% off courses at the Construction Skills Training Centre. Train in all areas of construction like scaffold, rigging, dogging, mobile crane, working at heights, confined spaces, traffic control, demo, tilt up, forklift and everything else you could need.

If you work in construction you may be eligible for discounts of up to 70% through the Construction Training Fund. And all CFMEU Members working under a Union EBA could be entitled to courses at CSTC at no cost to you at all. You pay absolutely nothing.

So get skilled up and job ready. Call Jo Kramer at the CSTC on 9358 6501 to check courses and your eligibility for massive discounts.


All your union fees are fully tax deductable

When doing your tax, make sure your tax agent knows that all your CFMEU membership fees are fully tax deductible.

If you need a replacement invoice for tax purposes then just give us a call on 9228 6900 or email and we can send it to you.


Travel Insurance to make sure you're covered no matter where you are

Your CFMEU membership provides you with travel insurance that could save you thousands of dollars or even your life. If you’re going interstate, overseas or even on a local holiday, your gear, baggage and personal effects are all insured. The policy applies to any trip more than 100km from your home and your partner and dependent children are all covered if they’re travelling with you.

CFMEU WA Travel Insurance covers you for $10 million personal liability, up to $50,000 personal accident cover and unlimited overseas medical expenses cover if you or your loved ones should need it.

Some conditions apply so before taking off call the office on 9228 6900 to request a copy of the travel insurance policy.