If you are a union member and not sure you a being paid correctly and want to check that are being paid fairly call the union office on 92286900 or contact a CFMEU organiser here

There are 3 ways of joining:

  •  Join online today
  •  Join over the counter at your local CFMEU office 
  •  Obtain an application form from your site delegate or CFMEU organiser who will receipt any payment on behalf of the CFMEU and return it to us on your behalf. CFMEU organisers are listed in our Who’s Who section.

All of our RDO calendars are online. You can save them to your device's calendar, download and print them. You can find them here.
If you still have questions about your RDO's, contact us.

This document summarises the allowances granted under the award. Allowances specific to your work type can be found on the respective wage sheets here.
If you can't see what you need, or you're not sure if you're eligable for certain allowances, feel free to contact us.

For information on your correct rate of Superannuation you can contact CBUS on 1300 361 784 for further information. If you believe you are not being paid the correct amount of Super please contact the union office on 08 9228 6900

For information and advice about Workcover please call Chris Prast on 08 9228 6900.


Under the award and our EBA, you should never and legally do not have to work in the rain.  However, you must make the work area safe before you cease work.  If a concrete pour has commenced prior to it raining, the pour can continue until finished, but all affected workers must be provided with wet weather gear and shall be paid double time until they have completed their work.  They are then allowed to go home for the remainder of the day without any loss of pay. 

If it rains at/before starting time and there are no covered walkways from the amenities to the workplace, workers do not have to go to work unless the rain stops or a covered walkway is provided.  

Further information can be found in the CFMEU WA - Inclement Weather Rain.

If you're still unsure, you can Contact Us

Upon the temperature reaching 35°C a half-hourly reading may be obtained by checking Perth Bureau of Meteorology web site: http://www.bom.gov.au/places/wa/perth/

When the temperature hits 37.5°C all work shall cease, and workers are entitled to go home.


When the forecast is for extremes of heat for the next day or more, work should be planned in consultation with the workers’ Health and Safety Representative (HSR) & or the on-site OHS Committee so that work will not continue into extreme heat conditions, ie. concrete pours, jump forms, high risk crane lifts etc.

Work MUST be planned so that heavy or physical work is done in the cooler times of day or in shady areas.                                       

  1. Work on roof areas needs extra controls built in due to sun reflection and radiation from roofing materials such as steel and manmade plastics and fabrics.
  2. Workers must be provided with adequate sunscreen, cool drinking water, shade brims, face skins and be tool-boxed in the hazards and controls for working in extreme heat conditions.
  3. When it becomes evident that on-site conditions are subject to extremes of heat, on-site Union representative(s) shall bring the matter of concern to notice of on-site supervision. A conference between supervision and the employees’ representative(s) shall take place as soon as possible but in any event within 30 minutes of a request for the same.
  4. In any case, upon being advised by the Perth Bureau of Meteorology, that the temperature is 37.5°C or more, all employees shall be allowed to cease work and go home.
  5. When employees leave site in accordance with the above, the inclement weather provisions of the respective EBA or building industry awards shall prevail with respect to entitlements to payment.
  6. Notwithstanding the above provisions, employees shall continue working in air-conditioned areas, provided that their amenities are also air-conditioned.
  7. Where a concrete pour has been commenced prior to the commencement of a period of inclement weather, as defined above, employees may be required to complete such a pour to a practical stage and for such work shall be paid at a rate of double time for the remainder of the shift.
  8. When employees leave site in accordance with the above, all work areas shall be left in a safe condition and all tools and work equipment cleaned up and put away.
  9. Provided that the employer, their employees and the appropriate union(s) may agree to bring the normal starting time of the working day forward to 6.00am, such agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld.



While there is no set wind speed limit, all plant has Australian Standard stipulations/requirements for safe operating at particular wind speeds. Manufacturing requirements/limitations of safely operating plant at certain wind speeds should also be utilised.  If in doubt – check with your OHS rep on site or Contact Us.

Contact our union office on 08 9228 6900 and they'll happily take you through the process. Employees can also ask the union to help negotiate an EBA on their behalf.

Well, there are a few different things you can do. If there is a Shop Steward or Health and Safety Rep who works on your site, you should let them know first. If not, then there are still lots of ways you can work this out. If you're a union member and there's nobody in your workplace that you feel comfortable reporting it to, you can submit an alert form <here> to our OHS department who will endeavour to get in touch with you and help you with the issue.

If you believe you are in an extremely dangerous environment that demands urgent attention call the union office immediately on 08 9228 6900 or email safety@cfmeuwa.com

As per clause 36 of the Award. An employee, Other than a casual employee shall be entitled to not work on public holidays without deduction of ordinary pay. If you agree to work a public holiday (it’s not a lockdown or your job has dispensation) you are entitled to double time and a half.If you don’t think you are receiving the correct pay for public holidays or if you need more information, contact the office.

  • Employees (other than casuals) will accrue annual leave entitlements at the rate of four weeks (20 Days) per year of continuous service.

All financial members (and their immediate family if travelling together) are entitled to Free travel insurance - call our office 08 9228 6900 for a full copy of the most current policy prior to leaving on your trip to be sent to you in the mail or email.

For courses and information and to book a course call the Construction Skills Training Centre (CSTC) direct on 08 9358 6501 or check their website

My Leave is an Industry fund that administers the portable long service leave scheme for workers in the construction industry in Western Australia. You can check out their website here: http://www.myleave.wa.gov.au/

ReddiFund is a WA based redundancy fund, open to all employers operating within the building and construction industry to join, to make provision for their employees in the unfortunate event of redundancy. You can check their website here: http://www.reddifund.com.au/

For information and advice about Workers Compensation please contact the office on 08 9228 6900 or info@cfmeuwa.com

The CFMEU WA arguably offers its members and their family the best benefits of any union in Australia. For the full range of member benefits as a paid up member click here